Wednesday, 28 January 2015

Story: Manners of noble Prophet Muhammad S.A.W

Teachings of Islam :

‪#‎WhoIsMuhammad‬ S.A.W

One day a poor man brought a bunch of grapes to the holy prophet Muhammad (peacebe upon Him) as a gift.The holy prophet (pbuhf) ate one, two, threeand then the whole bunch of grapes byhimself. He did not offer grapes to anyonepresent.

The poor man who brought thosegrapes was very pleased and left. One of thecompanions asked, "O prophet of Allah (peacebe upon Him) ! How come you ate all thegrapes by yourself and did not offer to any oneof us present?".

The holy Prophet (peace be upon Him) smiledand said, "I ate all the grapes by myselfbecause the grapes were sour. If I would haveoffered you, you might have made funny facesand that would have hurt the feelings of thatpoor man. 

I thought to myself that it's betterthat I eat all of them cheerfully and please thepoor man. I did not want to hurt the feelings ofthat poor man.

"Such were the manners of this most noble Prophet of Allah.


  1. Can I the SaLeel of this hadees?

  2. Sorry...I meant that
    Can I get the daleel of this hadees?
